rebirth series

Rebirth is about the beauty that comes with changes, the delight of transformation and the opportunity of being born again.
It is about having roots without fear of taking flight.
It is about accepting new things.
It is about understanding that we, human beings, are not apart from nature. We are nature.
We think of ourselves as larger and more in control than we actually are. A sad illusion.
I have always been very observant and curious. I love to contemplate the power of the ocean, the blowing of the wind, the energy in the air, the behavior of animals, the shape of the trees, the color of the flowers, the smell of wet grass.
To be present is to be aware of your surroundings but it is above everything to be aware of yourself, your thoughts, your excitement, your inner peace. It is to be in silent harmony and aware at the same time. Are you present?
Think about this, we are reborn every day and at every moment through our thoughts, our feelings, our attitudes and the renovation of our own blood with every breath we take.